Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Types of Relaxation Techniques

The Many Ways to Enter Deep Relaxation:

Progressive relaxation:

In progressive relaxation you progressively tense and relax each muscle in your body. Tense each muscle group for ten seconds and then relax them for twenty seconds. Start with your feet and work your way up your body to your calves, your thighs, your buttocks, your stomach, chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms, hands, neck, cheeks, eyes, and finally forehead. Focus on the difference between tension and relaxation. Make sure to take slow deep breaths into your stomach.


There are many types of meditation. One of the main ways to meditate is to focus on your breathing. Take slow deep breaths into your stomach, using your diaphragm muscle to expand your lungs. While you breath focus on the sensation of the breath entering your nose and then exiting your mouth. You can picture a healing mist if it helps you focus. If thoughts come into your head, don't focus on them, just let them flow out as if they too were breaths. A second way to mediate is to say a mantra. Some people say Om or other classic Buddhist mantras, others say more modern mantras like let go or relax. Each time you breath out say the mantra to help focus your mind. You should still take deep breaths in this type of meditation. 

Mindfulness Muscle Relaxation

This is similar to progressive relaxation, but rather than tensing the muscles you simply focus on each muscle until it is more relaxed. This relaxation technique is easier to do after you have practiced progressive relaxation for a while. You can start by focusing on your entire body to give it a quick general relaxation and then focus on each muscle group. Spend as much time as you like on each muscle and you can revisit muscles as well. Make sure to hit each muscle group. Your entire focus should be on relaxing muscles. If your mind wanders, just bring it back to relaxing your muscles. If you relax deeply enough, you should begin to feel a tingling sensation in your muscles. 

Guided visualization/ Guided Meditation 

Guided meditation is a very easy way to meditate because you just have to listen to a video where someone helps you relax. The point of a guided visualization is to first relax you and then bring you through a relaxing journey to somewhere. Beach visualizations are common. There are tons of guided meditations, guided relaxations, and guided visualizations on youtube, as well as on this site. 


Yoga is a great way to relax because it also incorporate strength training and stretching. There are many videos on youtube which will lead you through a yoga routine. Make sure that you breath deeply into your stomach while you are practicing yoga. 

Cardiovascular Exercise 

Cardio exercise like running, jumping rope, and sports will help you relax greatly afterward. It's great for your heart and also will allow you to relax more throughout the day. You can also do another relaxation technique afterward to relax even more. Everyone should do cardio in addition to other relaxation techniques. 

For more information on relaxation techniques and for guided meditations and other relaxation videos visit: Stress Free Mind on Youtube

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